
Africa It is the poorest continent in the world, and paradoxically it is at the same time the richest: unique and wild animals, incredible ecosystems, non-stop curiosities, and above all a great ethnic wealth ... there are thousands of tribes that differ by culture, customs, language and beliefs... today we are going to make a small tour the most impressive African tribes of this great continent.

Where: Northern Namibia.

Religion: monotheists, worship the god Mukuru.

Curiosities: a semi-nomadic tribe, cattle breeders, who still preserve the lifestyle they had thousands of years ago. (Of course, the arrival of tourists is changing everything ...). The characteristic that is most obvious is the reddish color of their skin, this is because to protect themselves from the sun and to clean themselves, women are smeared with ocher, butter and herbs.

Where: Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Angola.

Curiosities: Traditionally they have lived thousands of years thanks to hunting and fruit gathering, today the thing is different: the central government of Botswana in the '90s began to expel the Bushmen from their homeland (the Game Reserve from Central Kalahari). On December 13, 2006, the Bushmen got a historic sentence: the Supreme Court decided that what the government had done was unconstitutional and that the lands could not be banned from the Bushmen. Despite this ruling, the Government continues to place obstacles for the Bushmen to reside on their lands: they are denied water forbidding access to an existing well and preventing them from digging new wells. The Bushmen sued the Government again but the Supreme Court dismissed the case ...

Where: Sudan.

Religion: Islam, shamanism.

Curiosities: They are a farming people, passionate about athletic competitions, which allow them to show themselves and show off their strength. Both men and women are adorned with scarifications.

Where: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique.

Curiosities: Men are the head of the family, while women are housewives. They raise cattle and are farmers, practice polygamy and the more children they have the more important they are. Famous is his music and his way of dancing “trembling”.

Where: Algeria, Libya, Niger, Mali, Morocco, Burkina Faso.

Religion: syncretic Islam, with animistic beliefs.

Curiosities: they are the "blue men" of the Sahara. They are a nomadic people who live in large family units and move through the desert. They have their own writing: the tifnagh.

Where: Sudan.

Religion: monotheists, their God is Nhialac.

Curiosities: They live on both sides of the Nile River, so, apart from being farmers and farmers, they are also fishermen. They are polygamous, although many marry only once, and are an ethnic group that is divided into 21 groups, each with its own boss. The women dress with goatskin in the waist area. Due to aesthetic factors, sometimes a tooth is torn out. Men dye their hair red, while women shave their heads and eyebrows.

Where: Ethiopia.

Religion: animism.

Curiosities: The Mursi are mainly engaged in cattle raising and agriculture. Mursi consider it important to paint their body: they do it several times a day, with white chalk. It is his way of seducing and / or expressing his mood. Women often use clay dishes to adorn lips and ears, and men wear scarifications as a sign of elegance and strength.

Where: Kenya, Sudan.

Curiosities: They are nomadic shepherds, their law allows polygamy, although in many cases it is not practiced, since to marry they have to provide a high dowry (30-50 cows or camels, or 100-200 pieces of smaller cattle). They are famous for wearing many colored necklaces. Men sit in the typical ekicholong.

Where: Ethiopia.

Curiosities: They are also called Suri, they are mainly dedicated to grazing. Scarifications are made, women as a sign of beauty and men as a sign of struggles and strength. Women also embed clay dishes in their lips and ears: the bigger, the more beautiful it will be and their marital dowry will be better. Young people struggle to demonstrate their masculinity in the "Donga": a tournament with 50 or more men that consists of fighting violently two by two with clubs.

Where: Kenya and Tanzania.

Curiosities: They are a nomadic people of shepherds. For them, the more cattle and children you have, the more important you are. Their houses were built with cow dung and thatched roof. They are dressed only in red, with colored leaves and beads. They dance by jumping and circling.

Where: Congo.

Religion: animism, catholicism, islam.

Curiosities: They are famous for their short stature: they don't measure more than 1.50. They hunt with nets and arrows, collect fruit and honey. They also practice the exchange with other tribes and neighboring towns.

These are some of the of most famous African tribes, this continent never ceases to surprise us!
