Mentions of GUIDES TRAVEL in Information media


Here is a list of the most prominent interviews Ymentions of thetravel blog TRAVEL GUIDES in news media, radio and blogs

The 25 most read travel blogs in Spain, in Paco Nadal's blog El Viajero de El País (12 January 2018)

Interview in the Window of the Travels of the SER Chain (12 January 2018)

Interview in the blog Tu Hobbie, Tu Viaje (12 Sep 2014)

Talk about Valladolid on the radio program Parallel 20 (August 24, 2014)

The cyberfriends of the traveler, quote in the chronicle of the international congress of bloggers of travel TBEX in Girona, in El Periódico (September 22, 2012)

Interview on Escapada Rural's blog (August 23, 2012)

Top Rural blog interview (July 5, 2012)

Interview at Universal Places Blog (June 22, 2012)

Interview on the radio program Parallel 20

Interview on the radio program Travel in Intereconomy

The 10 most influential travel blogs, in Living Europe blog

5 travel blogs that inspire me, in Travel, Rock and photos blog

100 blogs that have inspired me, in the blog The Packinko

20 tourism twitter accounts that you must follow, in blog Weblog Magazine

Free marketers: Rubén Marcos, in Rumorismo blog


Video: Hidden Beauties Guide For Northern Bohemia - MediaCulture (April 2024).